Meet the Board

The Critical Political Economy research network is run by a board of five people. This board is supported by an international advisory board made up of a number of leading academics who broadly fall within the network’s remit of interest. Take a moment to meet the board (as of August 2017) below.

David Bailey, Chair of CPERNbailey CERPN photo

I am a Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Birmingham. My research and teaching focus on left parties, protest movements, political economy, and the relationship between each of these, especially within the European context.

Yuliya Yurchenko, Vice-Chair of CPERN

I am a Senior Lecturer in Political Economy at the University of Greenwich, the Greenwich Political Economy Research Centre (GPERC) and the Political Economy, pic promo2Governance, Finance and Accountability Institute (PEGFA, Greenwich). I teach and supervise on History of Economic Thought: Economics and Political Economy of Human-Nature relationship, and Business Ethics and CSR.

I research state/society/capital complexes and their power dynamics, transnational class formation, modes of accumulation of capital, the limits of the possible embedded in them, and avenues of circumventing the latter interrogated through a transnational historical materialist/Neo-Gramscian methodological perspective. My empirical foci are: public services and policies (especially energy), the political economy of Ukraine, transforming landscapes of trade regimes (mainly TTIP and TiSA) and capital accumulation spaces; and global networks of policy platforms and lobby groups.

My recent monograph is titled Ukraine and the Empire of Capital: from Marketisation to Armed Conflict (Pluto: 2018).

Bernd Bonfert, Board memberB. Bonfert MA (Bernd)

I am a PhD Student doing a double degree at Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands and Roskilde University in Denmark. My project focuses on the transnational cooperation of European anti-austerity movements.

My research is grounded on a historical materialist perspective informed by the works of Antonio Gramsci and Nicos Poulantzas. In my teaching I focus on critical theory, social struggles within and against capitalism, and the political economy of the European Union.

Alona Lyasheva, Board member

Owen Worth, Board member

Associate Board Members

Mònica Clua-Losada, co-editor in chief, Global Political Economy

Phoebe Moore, co-editor in chief, Global Political Economy

The international advisory board is composed of:

Mònica Clua-Losada (The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA), Bastiaan van Apeldoorn (VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Dorothee Bohle (Central European University, Hungary), Ian Bruff (University of Manchester, UK), Jan Drahokoupil (University of Mannheim, Germany), Eva Hartmann (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Laura Horn (Roskilde University, Denmark), Martijn Konings (University of Sydney, Australia), Magnus Ryner (King’s College London, UK), Susanne Soederberg (Queen’s University, Canada), and Angela Wigger (Radboud University, Netherlands).

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